Saturday, May 10, 2008

San Francsico May 2008

Get your layout on
Here it is May. Brian and Ihave been busy trying to sell his mom's house. We are not sure were we will end up but life goes on. The boys love school. Andrew is exceling in math and science. Ben loves PE and recess. He wants to play soccer again. Rachel has not cut her hair recently. Yeah!!! Her curls are now long ringlettes. I have been helping Brian with the drug testing business. We havebeen able to keep it running and slowly growing it. But I wanted to update some pictures of our family. We went to San Franscico two weeks ago and had fun at Pier39.
Myspace Layouts

1 comment:

Maren said...

wait, what!?! you are moving? brian got a new job? sheesh, these are big events in your life! are you kinda sad you moved in the first place? your house JUST sold like a week ago but i havent met the people yet. infact, i dont even know who bought it. there have been so many people going in and out i havent figured out who is staying and who isnt. they swim about every day though! i can hear them. hope all is well!