Saturday, July 5, 2008

Rachel is 4!

We had a fun day. We had the whole Lewis and Welch clan over for dinner.

Rachel wanted an Ariel the little mermaid cake. If you watch the food network,look up the food challange - Disney princess cakes. She wanted a 2 foot Ariel withall the other characters, Flounder and Sebastian. It was not in my baking skills. But we compromised with a smaller cake. Ariel on the rock scene, when she is singing to Eric. It turned out better than I expected.

I still can not believe Rachel is 4. She has grown up so much in the last year. She loves to write her name and sing songs. She wants to go to school with the boys in August. She still has a year before she goes to kindergarten.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

San Francsico May 2008

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Here it is May. Brian and Ihave been busy trying to sell his mom's house. We are not sure were we will end up but life goes on. The boys love school. Andrew is exceling in math and science. Ben loves PE and recess. He wants to play soccer again. Rachel has not cut her hair recently. Yeah!!! Her curls are now long ringlettes. I have been helping Brian with the drug testing business. We havebeen able to keep it running and slowly growing it. But I wanted to update some pictures of our family. We went to San Franscico two weeks ago and had fun at Pier39.
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Saturday, January 26, 2008

Rachel's haircut

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Rachel decided to cut her hair. She did not like having hair in her face and found a pair of scissors. Fortunately she cut bangs instead leaving nothing at all. Thank s to curly hair she has a poof in the front and you really can't tell. But I have to wait awhile to pull her hair back.

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Saturday, January 19, 2008

Becky's family pictures

The new year has started and I haven't updated my blog since November. We had a great Christmas. I had all my siblings come home for Christmas and had family pictures done. Everyone has not been together since May 2004. And no one was pregnant this time, someone has been pregnant in every family photo for the last 11 years. My friend, Gloria, was kind enough to do our family pictures Christmas eve day. We had a blast. She has a web site to view all of the family photos and if you want to see them go to . Look under Welch. The kids even had a good time. I can't thank Gloria enough for all of her hard work and time.

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